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TLF VeggieMag

TLF VeggieMag

SKU: T1031

The TLF VeggieMag from Two Little Fishies utilizes magnetic attraction to secure SeaVeggies clips, eliminating the need for suction cups and allowing attachment to windows up to 3/4” thick. Its versatile design enables easy positioning at any level within the aquarium and effortless retrieval without the need to get hands wet. Additionally, the VeggieMag boasts a floating feature for added convenience. This patented design by Julian Sprung offers a practical and efficient solution for feeding marine life with ease.

TLF VeggieMag

The VeggieMag uses magnetic attraction instead of a suction cup to hold SeaVeggies clip in place for windows up to 3/4” thick! It’s easy to position at any level in the aquarium, and easy to retrieve it without getting your hands wet. As an added feature the VeggieMag floats! Patented design by Julian Sprung.

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